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DEVON ; 19 pronouns; he/they. TIMEZONE : BST.

001. unlike the majority of my accounts; this account does not have disturbing themes. i like to keep things playful and light-hearted on lief! however, their are themes hinted at such as violence, alcohol, and other mild themes. so interact at your own risk. lief is a character whom deals with violent, intrusive thoughts. this will be shown within her character.002.  this oc is the child of the canon character; tien shinhan as well as another oc of mine. however, i am aware that these ocs are not everyone's cup of tea. as a result; you are welcome to completely disregard this. all i ask is that if we do storylines together; to let me know if this is something you'd like to be acknowledged or omitted from character information. that being said, i will make a LOT of references to the relationship between lief and her mother kassava.

003. i, the writer, am a very busy person. i'm a university student who is currently job hunting on top of being a part time carer. as a result, replies are going to be slow. i ask that you, the reader. be patient when it comes to replies and understand that ship-partners and mains will be the utmost priority. spamming me for replies, hostility, passive-aggressive behaviour or vague-posting about my replies being slow will most likely result in a block. occasionally dming me, or tagging me in replies that i have forgotten is completely fine.004. this muse is biromantic. as a result, shipping is open to anybody as long as there is chemistry between the muses. shipping reqires chemistry and previous interactions. this account is multiship, so shipping is always open! so feel free to dm me about it! outside of shipping, i'm always open to plotting out storylines and interactions!005. added: 26/09/24. please refrain from making sexual advances towards my muse unless a ship has been established. even then, please discuss this in dms first. unsolicited sexual advances will result in a hard block. jokes are fine, but please be tasteful about them.

DONT TOUCH: this is for spacing <3

NAME . lief shinhanAGE . early twentiesGENDER . agender (she/they)ORIENTATION .biromantic asexualSPECIES . half-blooded saiyan with triclopian ancestory,POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES lief is a kind, gentle and loving soul. a go-getter optimist who isn't afraid to take the world by storm! constantly determined, lief strives not to be the best-of-the-best; but rather to be happy. she strives to make those around her happy as well, a constant optimist whose eager to learn more about the many different worlds around her.NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTES lief is stubborn; and whilst she considers herself to be open to learning: she's set in her ways. additionally, she can hold a grudge and be narrow-minded, not one to listen to reason if she believes the other person is in the wrong. she can view the world in a black-or-white lens; refusing to believe that there's a middle ground. in addition to this, she's rather childish and lacks maturity - sometimes wanting to pretend that everything is okay instead of facing reality.

HISTORY the only daughter of martial artist tien shinhan and intergalactic bounty hunter kassava, lief grew up a sheltered life in the mountains. with her mother gone most of the time; lief was primarily raised by her father and adopted his reclusive life-style. being born with non-human features such as a third eye and a tail; lief stayed away from other humans as much as possible. preferring to stay home when her father would go out to run errands.
being born blind; kassava and tien often threated about lief being left on her own for too long. it wasn't until lief was a toddler that it was realised that she could see, just through unconventional means. lief's third eye and triclopian blood allowed for her to sense the spiritual energies of the people, and other non-human lifeforms around her. giving her freedom to manoeuvrer around without too much difficulty.
despite her pacifist nature; lief has always been interested in martial arts. as a result, she was trained by her father and mother: leading to her competing in the youth division of the martial arts tournament. enjoying the thrill; she's continued to train ever since yet continues to reject the idea of living in civilisation.eventually, lief encounters time-travellers as a teenager. the time patrol. whilst she admired their goals, the act of time-travelling upset the spiritual flow of the universe; throwing it off balance. lief, connected to this flow became greatly distressed and has feuded with the time patrol ever since.this will be expanded upon at a later date; but eventually lief discovers the planet where her triclopian lineage hails from. the planet is on the brink of death after being cut off from their energy flow, which lief restores. she eventually becomes the protector and 'high priestess' of the planet; leaving earth behind in order to rule.there is also a 'future timeline' equivalent to lief. these two are drastically different characters, as a result this won't be expanded upon here.

APPEARANCE . lief is simple; and this reflects in her appearance. with a lean build with light muscle, she is the average height of 5'7. lief's hair is a soft brown; usually tied into a ponytail with strands that frame pointed ears. the most peculiar aspects of lief's apperance lay in her less-human features. including pointed ears, sharpened canines; and most prominently - the third eye atop her forehead and a tail.ALIGNMENT . lief's pacifistic nature, as well as her general personality would best align her with chaotic good!ABILITIES .  due to her lineage; lief has an extensive amount of unique abilities.
- enhanced strenght
- enhanced speed
- enhanced hearing
- ability to fly
- ki sensing
- energy sensing and manipulation
- mimicry; copying of energy flow.
- telekinesis.
- pinpoint accuracy
more on telekinesis:
due to being descended from a tri-clops bloodline; lief has enhanced mental abilities. this is where her strength lies; it's what allows her to be such an empathetic and insightful person. as well as what allows her to be connected to the universe. lief has perfected this telekinesis and used it to create spiritual warding, an ability which dispels any attempts of hostile telepathic attacks.
as the ability to transform into the oozaru or 'great ape' is dependant on the individual seeing the moon, lief cannot transform. and never will.
at the moment; lief does not have any transformations such as super saiyan. this may be retconned at a later date. (this does not include lief from the future timeline, but again: they are separate people who focused on honing different parts of their various lineages.)

mains && EXCLUSIVES.

.................M A I N S ..................@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !

heavily affiliated with @URL.

............E X C L U S I V E S .............@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !